Monday, February 22, 2010

Moon Garden

I'm dreaming of spring.  In my dream there are lots of flowers. . . white flowers.  I love white--white dishes, white decor, white tipped toe nails, white clothes, white sheets, and white flowers.

I have an area of dirt on the side of my house that is screaming for attention.  I have ignored it for the past two years because I had it in the back of my mind that we were going to put an addition there.  Maybe, maybe not.  Not soon by any means.  So I am making a plan.  A plan for a moon garden.

I did not know that is what all white gardens were called until I started googling white flowers.  I have a few in mind:  Hydrangeas, ranunculus, peonies, sweet woodruff, lily of the valley, delphinium, camellias, crocuses. . . all in white.  Great profusions of white.  I want enough that I can cut some and fill my house with white flowers in white pitchers.

And in my side garden I want a white picket fence with a little white gate that beckons to the back yard.

Doesn't that sound lovely.

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